Does DIY Lawn Care Save Money? Weighing the Costs

Does DIY lawn care save money? We analyze the true cost of lawn care, considering time, equipment, expertise, and more. We explore DIY pros and cons, helping you make informed decisions to achieve a beautiful lawn that aligns with your budget.
Beautiful lawn

Does DIY lawn care save money? This question keeps many homeowners up at night, particularly when they see those lush, green lawns boasted in their neighborhood. They weigh the satisfaction of a DIY job well done against the convenience and maybe even the guaranteed results of hiring a professional lawn service. It’s a dilemma, right? But like many financial decisions, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. There are so many things to consider that might impact the actual cost of caring for your lawn on your own, and sometimes it’s more than meets the eye.

Does DIY lawn care save money? Well, I get it – the allure of saving money is real. However, before we grab our rakes and fertilizer spreaders, let’s take a hard look at the factors at play. It’s time to break down the costs, the commitment, and, ultimately, whether DIY lawn care aligns with your overall financial goals.

Table of Contents:

The Hidden Costs of DIY

Many people think of cost savings in terms of what a professional charges versus the products they’ll need from a big box store. But, they sometimes forget to account for all the tools they need and maintaining them. Lawn mowers, especially a riding mower that averages $1,500, require maintenance and occasional repairs, which can add up quickly.

For example, a Scotts fertilizer spreader will set you back around $45, and that’s just one small piece of equipment you’ll need to maintain your lawn. Factor in gas for the mower, trimmer line, and any attachments you might need, such as a dethatcher. And we can’t overlook the hidden costs – those impulse buys at the garden center that seem like a good idea at the time. Before you know it, those “cost savings” start shrinking faster than your lawn after a heatwave.

Time is Money: DIY vs. Professional Lawn Care Services

Ah, time – our most valuable asset. Imagine yourself spending every beautiful Saturday morning sweating over a lawnmower, hauling bags of fertilizer, and battling weeds. While DIY lawn care does offer a form of exercise, that same time could be allocated to activities with a more direct financial return.

Maybe you could be working on a side hustle you can scale and grow over time. Would you prefer spending a whole Saturday on lawn care or scaling your freelance writing side hustle, generating additional income? This isn’t just about dollar signs; it’s about work-life balance. Time dedicated to meticulous lawn care is time potentially taken from other enjoyable or valuable endeavors, like spending time with your family.

Besides, did you know that, on average, people spend over three years of their lives on lawn care, according to a recent study? Think about that – you could be learning new skills or trades during that time instead.

Beyond Price: Quality and Expertise

This is where a professional lawn service often justifies its cost. These services bring years of expertise in lawn care to your yard. Think soil analysis, tailored treatment plans, and preemptive measures against pests and diseases like chinch bugs. They have access to commercial-grade products that can produce results far exceeding those achieved with standard store-bought solutions.

Sometimes, knowing exactly what your lawn needs, from soil pH to pest control, can only be done through experience and specialized testing. Professionals not only have access to this but can use this information to personalize your lawn care. Moreover, many professionals will guarantee their work. If your DIY efforts fall short and you’re left staring down a lawn riddled with weeds or disease, you’ll end up forking over more money for treatments, reseeding, or even professional intervention to fix your DIY mishap. Sometimes those fixes can set you back further than hiring a professional from the get-go.

When DIY Might Make Sense

Although professional lawn services offer significant advantages, there are situations where DIY lawn care might align with your goals. Maybe you’re a green-thumb enthusiast and enjoy getting your hands dirty, so lawn care becomes a satisfying hobby. Perhaps your lawn is small, requiring less equipment and time commitment.

DIY can be an affordable option if you are passionate about learning and dedicating time to proper techniques and lawn care best practices. You may enjoy the challenge and the personal satisfaction that comes with nurturing your lawn to health, but that comes with making sure you keep on top of your education.

So, Does DIY Lawn Care Save Money? Finding the Right Answer for You

As you can see, answering “Does DIY lawn care save money” is difficult and depends heavily on individual circumstances. It boils down to priorities. If your primary concern is minimizing upfront costs, and you’re ready to invest significant time and energy into learning, then DIY might make sense – at least in the beginning. However, if your time is more valuable, and you are looking for convenience, optimal results, and long-term peace of mind, a professional lawn care service might be the answer. Just remember that saving money should not equate to neglecting the health or look of your lawn; rather, consider it an investment that can pay dividends in pride, enjoyment, and even property value.

For those interested in environmentally friendly options, explore resources for organic lawn care without pesticides. And before choosing DIY, you should check your local area. Those who live in warmer southern states might have a cool-season grass like Kentucky bluegrass, while in the Northeast, you may need to learn about taking care of a warm-season grass. In the end, the answer is not just about immediate costs, but also the value you place on your time, the desire for professional expertise, and your personal lawn care aspirations. DIY might work for some people. Just know you might be in it for the long haul and spend as much – if not more – money over the long-term compared to using a lawn service.


Does DIY lawn care save money? There’s no straightforward answer. What might be right for one homeowner isn’t for another. If your goal is saving money, understand what goes into your decision before committing to a side. You’re busy with other aspects of your life. The goal of your decision should be what is best for you and your family. Maybe saving money with DIY lawn care will make more sense after weighing your options.

Picture of Kevin


Kevin writes for a variety of websites that cover homeownership, small businesses, marketing, and retail investing.

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